Co-Packing & Private Label
What sets Co Packers Dra. Bello apart from other contract bottlers is the depth of our turnkey expertise. Whether you come to us with just an idea for an exciting new idea, you are prepared to use our patented product line or supply us with the bottles, caps, labels, ingredients, and everything else required to produce the finished product, we can bring the project to fruition seamlessly and on the allotted time. In addition, our customer service is unparalleled in the label manufacturing industry.
Our Turn Key Services Include
• Product formulation
• Ingredient acquisition (Raw Materials)
• Component acquisition (bottles and caps)
• Research and development (R&D)
• Beverage bottling
• Label Design
• Finished packaging
• Logistics (Shipping)
• Product Labeling
• Product Shipping
• Loyalty
The expert beverage manufacturers at Dra. Bello Products, Inc. want you to rest assured that our state-of-the-art facility is at the cutting edge for a turnkey bottler. You come to us with an idea for a ready-to-drink beverage, or simply with a list of ingredients you would like to see incorporated into a drink. Our research and development team will develop the formula, if you don’t already have one. Our staff procures the raw materials and components (bottle caps, labels). Our production team bottles, packs, and ships the product. Our QC/QA team assures every bottle has been produced safely.
Customers & Suppliers are ultimately responsible for labeling the information. Employers and sometimes employees are responsible for labeling or relabeling products, as directed by the FDA guidelines. Dra. Bello Products Inc, is not responsible for any verbiage approved by the client after the fact. Our customers may purchase our professional services for a fee. Co-Packing and Manufacturing does not include these fees.
Contact Dra. Bello today to learn more about the turnkey service our contract bottlers have spent years perfecting.